3. Czechs on the job

Foreign employees may find the Czech work environment very different from the one which they were used to. Maybe it will be necessary to explain a few things. In the Czech Republic, it is normal to:

  • Ask a question, if I do not understand something.
  • When talking to someone, look into their eyes.
  • Comply with the established rules.
  • Treat others as equals.
  • Raise polite questions or have suggestions to improve work when speaking with your superior.
  • Do what is currently needed, without waiting until directly asked to do that.
  • Be on a first name basis (say "ty" in Czech), for people who know each other well and who are friends. Use the last name (say "vy" in Czech) for those who do not know each other well. The superior offers friendship (saying "ty") to the subordinate person, the same goes for the older offering to the younger. At work, most people say "vy" to their superiors (they are not on the first name basis).
  • Ask direct and short questions exactly about what we are interested in. Direct short questions are normal and decent.
  • It is normal to work, even when no one is directly watching us.