5. Ministry of the Interior, Department of asylum and migration policy (OAMP, Odbor azylové a migrační politiky)

Department of asylum and migration policy is a department at the Ministry of the Interior, under whose remit falls the field of international protection, refugees, entry and residence of aliens, the concept of integration of foreigners, state integration programme and the Schengen cooperation. Furthermore, the Department is in charge of the state organizational unit Refugee Facilities Administration (Správa uprchlických zařízení). For most foreigners, the most important task of OAMP is to issue visas and residence permits at respective departments dealing with the stay of foreigners (oddělení pobytu cizinců). In the foreseeable future, OAMP will also issue dual documents, employee cards, and decide on changes in the employment of foreigners.


Ministry of the Interior, Department of asylum and migration policy (OAMP)

P. O. Box 21/OAM, 170 34 Praha 7

Phone: 974 832 495, 974 832 502

E-mail (OAMP directorate): oamp@mvcr.cz

Web page of residencies: http://imigracniportal.cz

E-mail info line: pobyty@mvcr.cz

Phone Infoline:  974 801 801

Phone infoline for Ukraine: 974 801 802

More contacts: https://www.mvcr.cz/docDetail.aspx?docid=21679744&doctype=ART

Web: www.mvcr.cz (overviews of OAMP offices that take care of the agenda of foreigner stays and of OAMP offices in asylum facilities and detention centers for foreigners – see the section About us – Trade unions).