Social welfare
If you have a newborn infant or a small child, or if you are in a difficult social situation, you may be entitled to social security benefits or benefits for your material needs. Foreigners without permanent residency in the Czech Republic are required to stay in the Czech Republic for a minimum length of 365 days to gain access to these benefits. EU citizens may aply immediately, or after 3 months. For basic information please see the adviseror MoLSA information.
State Social Support (SSP)
- Child allowance
- Housing allowance
- Parental allowance
- Foster care benefits
- Birth grant
- Funeral grant
- Subsistence level
Electronic form is here
Contacts for appropriate labor offices concerning SSP to be found here
Assistance in Material Need (AMN)
Electronic form is here
Contacts for appropriate labor offices concerning AMN to be foundhere
In any case please feel free to contact social department of AIM – in person, via phone or via email.