Research: „How difficult it is to succeed for the second generation of Vietnamese in the Czech republic?
The Association for Integration and Migration with kind support of the association Viet Up is conducting a qualitative research on the topic "How difficult is it to succeed for the second generation of Vietnamese in the Czech Republic?". The research, consisting of a series of small roundtables with young Czech-Vietnamese aged 18 – 30, is carried out in three partner regions of the project Cities and Inclusive Strategies - South Moravian region, Liberec region and Prague.
The aim of the roundtables is to map out the experiences, challenges and career prospects of the young generation of Czech- Vietnamese in order to provide them with the indispensable systemic support. The topics discussed during the roundtables are: First work experience, Job opportunities within the region, Work experience abroad, Emotional connection to the regional capital (Prague, Brno, Liberec), Housing, Discrimination and Urban multiculturalism.
The research started on the 13th of July 2018 in the South Moravian Region, where the first round table was held in the premises of Impact Hub Brno. The research continued on the 1st of August 2018 in the Langhans Gallery Prague. The third roundtable in the city of Liberec was held on the 5th of October 2018.
The results of the research were presented by the facilitator Tereza Freidingerová PhD at the big roundtable "The Role of the Second Generation of Vietnamese in the Integration Process of the Vietnamese Community" that was held on Tuesday October 16th 2018 in the Langhans center.