Newsletter SIMI Foodblog

We bring you interesting stories and recipes from our SIMI Foodblog!

You can find here recipes from 60 countries.


Read the article about:

  • Interview with Sonam about his journey from Tibet to the Czech Republic. You can listen to his full story in podcast by Integration center of Prague, within the project Salad Bowl of Prague: Voices.
  • Migrant women and their stories - 9 women who led our SIMI cooking courses. You can read their stories and learn more about the culture and cuisine of their countries of origin and their journeys to the Czech Republic.
  • Interview with Deepa, blogger from India - Deepa first cooked her mother's recipes only for her family. Soon, however, she found out that her ciooking was very popular, so she set up an online blog Read her story!

Within the cooking classes we have produced collector cards with recipies and stories of migrants from following countries: BolivieSyriaIsraelTatarstan.

Take part in and send us your recipes and stories on this contact: