Domestic Violence During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Our partner organization, the Czech Women's Lobby (ČŽL), has issued a press release (TZ) focusing on domestic violence behind Covid-19. The TZ was issued on the basis of qualitative research, where the first phase of data collection took place from 18 April 2020 to 5 June 2020 in the form of interviews with victims of violence and monitoring the development of specific anonymized cases. The research showed that the number of incidents of domestic violence increased as a result of the state of emergency and related preventive measures.

The whole TZ available here.

Quarantine isolates victims of domestic violence. If one of our loved ones is in such a situation, it is even more difficult for us to help him. Domestic violence is mainly about power and control. At the time of coronavirus, perpetrators of violence receive new tools to control their partners.

You can also find more information on the issue in the articles on our blog WITHOUT WRINKLES:

The topic Breaking the Waves on Czech Rohlas Plus, which also deals with this topic, prepared by Johanna Nejedlová can be found here.

Do you work with clients affected by domestic violence?

SIMI has published a manual for workers helping professions called I WILL NOT BE A VICTIM.

Have you been a victim of domestic violence?

SIMI provides free legal, social and psychosocial counseling in Czech, Russian and English. Translating with an intercultural worker can be arranged for other languages.

Where to go for help?

  • Acorus: nonstop route 283 892 772

  • White circle of safety: non-stop line 116 006

  • proFem - center for victims of domestic and sexual violence: line 608 222 277 (Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm)

  • Rosa - center for women: line 602 246 102/739 709 764 (on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm)

The article was written as part of a project "Migrant women among women" implemented with financial support from the Office of the Czech Government and the Government Council for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men.