News from SIMI Blog “Without Wrinkle”
We bring interesting and informative reading about women in migration on this blog. We share numerous life stories and experiences. For example, you can read Ms. Zulfiya's life story. On the blog you will also find a mini report from a common women's picnic in Kotlaska. Last but not least, read an interview with our volunteer Elmira, who helps students with a different mother tongue with homework.
Additionally, on the blog you will find inspiring reports from the show “We an They”, which is being prepared by Goranka Oljača on the Czech Radio Region and among which you will find stories:
- Yemen Ashwaq Abdulla Kulaib wanted to study journalism thirty years ago. She succeeded in Prague and became a well-known singer in the group Al-Jaman.
- Travel impressions from Ukraine as well as experiences from working with seniors from the Contact Center for Victims of Nazism and intergenerational dialogue in Ústí nad Labem - German volunteer Pia Schack manages to tell it all in nice Czech language.
We have been running the “WITHOUT WRINKLES” blog for the fifth year in a row. Here you will find information about the activities of our organization SIMI in the field of gender in migration and we also share the stories of more or less successful women´s migration experiences.
Send us your stories, suggestions, and discuss what we do and what we write about. We want to know what bothers you or, conversely, what you have achieved.
Project called Invisible power, is funded by the EVZ Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future".