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- Sdružení pro integraci a migraci

Where to look for job

It is recommended that a job-seeking foreigner visits this internet website which helps with finding basic information. In any case, it is advised to prepare a professional CV and a Cover letter for any serious work position.

Offers by the Employment office to foreigners:

If a foreigner loses his or her job, in some situations they can sometimes register at the nearest Employment office as a job-seeker.

It is recommended to concurrently search job offers on the internet websites, and to contact acquaintances, friends, or former employers.  In all situations, it is essential to have prepared a suitable CV and a Cover letter for any offered position. Another possibility is work through an agency.

If you need help in searching and keeping work, wish to strengthen your qualifications, or if you feel that your rights are being infringed, do not hesitate to contact the social department of SIMI. You can do this in person, by phone, or over the internet.