Work related issues during the state of emergency

Am I entitled to wage reimbursement when my facility is closed because of coronavirus?

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs points out that employees of facilities that are closed on the basis of the Government Resolution from the 12 of March are entitled to wage / salary compensation in the amount of average earnings as it is considered is a so-called “other obstacle to work on the part of the employer”.

It should be noted that the Government Resolution does not automatically lead to the closure of the above facilities services, but to closure of public access to the establishment itself, which means in some cases work will continue to be possible, or the employer may agree with the employee to change the agreed type of work (for a definite period of time), change the working time schedule, etc.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has issued an updated Coronavirus and Employment Document that provides information on the procedure in cases where the employee is not in quarantine but is concerned that he or she is infected; located in a mandated quarantine abroad or in a mandated quarantine on a business trip.

Press release - Coronavirus and labor law context

Pressemitteilung - Das Coronavirus und arbeitsrechtliche Zusammenhänge

More information at website of Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs -

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs prepared a document about support for employment called "ANTIVIRUS". Document to download HERE. (Document available at English, Russian, Ukrainian).

What can I do if I find myself in a situation requiring exceptional immediate financial help?

People who are demonstrably in financial distress can apply for a one-off emergency immediate financial aid (Jednorázová dávka mimořádné okamžité pomoci). This also applies to parents of children under 10 years of age who stay with them at home in and are benefiting from the carer's allowance due to the current situation concerning coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic.

For the purposes of the benefit, the overall income of all persons in the shared household shall be taken into consideration. The claim for the financial aid must be justified. The Labor Office of the Czech Republic can provide the emergency one-off immediate financial aid to a client whose social and economic conditions do not allow him to overcome the unfavorable situation.

An online one-off emergency immediate financial aid claim form is available HERE.

More information to DOWNLOAD: