From European networks: Radical Girlsss letter to the president-elect of the European Commission

SIMI monitors the events related to new establishment of the European Commission. We share an action made in this respect within the European Network of Migrant Women, which we are a member of.

Radical Girlsss, a group of young feminist women acting within the cited network, addressed a letter to the new president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Commissioners Margaritis Schinas (portfolio “Protecting our European Way of Life”), Helena Dalli (“Equality" portfolio), Ylva Johansson (“Home Affairs” portfolio).

In their letter, Radical Girlsss expresses concern about the content of the newly created European Agenda and suggests to the Commission how it should address gender issues, in particular the issue of sexual violence, multiplied inequalities of women migrants and refugees, and in particular tools for their effective protection and support.