Annex - examples of forms to be filed

The following section is of purely practical nature. It contains example forms of the most common submissions from the areas this manual deals with. The texts are in Czech for purely practical reasons. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that despite our best efforts to draft as widely applicable forms as possible, it is always advisable to consult their use with a lawyer (e.g. in one of the non-governmental organizations listed in the Address book section).

Annex no. 1 is a model employment contract. Annex no. 2 is a model agreement to perform work. Annex no. 3 is a model agreement to complete a job. Annex no. 4 is a model request for the payment of outstanding wages. Annex no. 5 is a model complaint concerning the payment of outstanding salaries.

Annex no. 1 - employment contract

Annex no. 2 - agreement to perform work

Annex no. 3 - agreement to complete a job

Annex no. 4 - request for the payment of outstanding wages

Annex no. 5 - complaint concerning the payment of outstanding salaries