Legal and social counselling

Legal and social counselling, which is free of charge and provided to all categories of foreigners and refugees from third countries residing in the Czech Republic, without regard to their residency status, represents the main pillar of activities of AIM. Clients can obtain qualified counselling and information, and also get help in understanding their rights and obligations. Clients are assisted in understanding their situation and in finding an appropriate solution to their specific issues. They are also enhanced to learn practical skills, which they can subsequently use during their stay or residence in the Czech Republic.

Do you need information about your residence in the Czech Republic?

Are you looking for a job?

Do you search housing, doctor, school or you don´t know how to fill in a form.

Do you need assistance in the nostrification process or with the work permit?

Are you organizing an event in your community

Do you need to use free internet access?


Legal and social counselling


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