For domestic workers
Information for domestic workers working in Czech households you can find at Here you will find all the necessary information regarding your residence in the Czech Republic, your employment and other useful information.
Contacts for free counselling for domestic workers
Information video for domestic workers

Are you a migrant domestic worker? In the video you can find your rights and duties for working in households in the Czech Republic. For more information contact us directly at or +420 224 224 379 and +420 605 253 994
Do you employ a domestic worker in your house? Be a fair employer! Domestic work is work like any other. Wathc our instructional video

The video was produced as part of the Equal Opportunities on the Doorstep of Czech Households campaign, with the aim of informing the public about the rights and obligations associated with the employment of foreign women in Czech households. Be a fair employer too. You can watch the video also in English. The project is financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment and the State Budget of the Czech Republic, under the priority axis Social Integration and Equal Opportunities. Projekt je financován z prostředků Evropského sociálního fondu prostřednictvím Operačního programu Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost a státního rozpočtu ČR, v prioritní ose Sociální integrace a rovné příležitosti.
Video for public form our campaign- Do you know who cleans your place?
Respect the rights of domestic workers! The rights to dignity, fair treatment and fair wage are some of them. Look at to find more information. Feel free to contact us at or +420 224 224 379 and +420 605 253 994 for advices and support.
Information leaflets for women working in Czech households