Czech networks

Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organizations in the Czech Republic

The Consortium was founded in September 2000 as an NGOs platform working with refugees in the Czech Republic. In the summer of 2010, the Consortium changed its memorandum and started a new phase of activities.

The Consortium currently comprises of eleven organisations in the area of migration and their main objective is to actively participate in the formation of migration policy and to familiarise the public with the situation of migrants in the Czech and of the European context. The Association for Integration and Migration (AIM) is the founding member of the Consortium. AIM played an important role in the revitalisation of this umbrella organisation.

Committee for the Rights of Foreigners of the Czech Government’s Council for Human Rights

An advisory body of the Government of the Czech Republic, the suggestions of which are submitted to the Czech Government as a basis for recommended governmental measures on migration and asylum. The SIMI Director Magda Faltova has been the chairperson of this committee since 2015. Last year, the key issues for the Committee were conditions for the provision of foreigners in detention, resettlement and refugees resettlement, as well as the forthcoming amendment to the Act on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic.

Working Group on Economic Migration at the Ministry of Industry and Trade

This forum brings together representatives of important corporations with public administration officers for joint discussions on labour migration issues. SIMI acts as a permanent observer and informs members of the advocacy group created within Consortium.

Regional Advisory Platform of the Integration Centre Prague

The platform serves as a place for sharing experience and information in the field of integration of foreigners among 64 representatives of non-profit organisations, municipal authorities and other stakeholders from among institutions that are active in the Capital City of Prague. SIMI staff were active last year as well in the development of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Concept of Integration of Foreigners in the Capital City of Prague for the following one-year period and were also invited to prepare a new concept for the 2018-2020 period.

Pro Bono Aliance

(former PILA – Public Interest Lawyers Association)

Pro Bono Alliance units the lawyers who strive to improve the effectiveness of the legislative system for a better protection of human rights and other public interests. The Pro Bono Alliance promotes increased access to legal help and socially responsible performance by legal professions. To achieve its goals, Pro Bono Alliance organises educational events, supports the experience exchange and cooperation among lawyers from NGOs and other legal professions.

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