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Unity in Integration: Strengthening accomodation programs for Refugees Welcome organizations (UI)

Time: September 1, 2024 – February 28, 2026
Who:Association for integration and migration
Financed:Erasmus+ Programme, KA2: Small-scale partnerships
Where:Czech Republic, Italy, Poland
Perex:The project brings together three European partner organisations of the Refugees Welcome network - from Czechia, Italy and Poland - to promote affordable housing by connecting local people with people of migrant origin. The main objective is to improve the training and education process of future hosts so that they can better respond to the needs of the accommodated people and cope with the challenges of multicultural coexistence. The project focuses on three key areas: 1) capacity building of volunteer hosts through intercultural training, 2) strengthening European cooperation in training the volunteer hosts and sharing best practices between Refugees Welcome branches, and 3) supporting and promoting alternative ways of accommodating refugees at local level in EU countries. The project will lead to the consolidation of the Refugees Welcome network and the strengthened promotion of private housing practices for refugees at EU level. The project will produce a guideline for the design of inclusive refugee accommodation programmes and the Refugees Welcome Canvas, a tool to support the competence building of volunteer hosts.

Legal advice for people who do not meet the conditions for entry or residence

Time: March 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025
Who:Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organizations, OPU, SIMI
Financed:Co-financed by the European Union under the national program of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund and the budget of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
Perex:The project provides free legal assistance in the return process to third-country nationals who (no longer) meet the conditions for entry or residence in the Czech Republic and to applicants for international protection in the event that they are placed in the Facilities for the Detention of Foreigners and have been issued a decision on the obligation to leave the territory. The project increases the efficiency of returns, contributes to the management of migration flows and implements common asylum and immigration policies while respecting the rights and principles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Counselling in the project is provided by The Organization for Aid to Refugees and the Association for Integration and Migration.
Evropská unie
Time: March 1, 2024 – March 31, 2026
Who:Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organizations, OPU, SIMI
Financed:Co-financed by the European Union under the national program of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund and the budget of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
Perex:The project aims to provide free legal and social counselling for the target group, which consists of applicants for international protection and foreigners who are tolerated on the territory of the Czech Republic, with special attention to vulnerable persons. The project enables stable and regular functioning of counselling points in the facilities of the Refugee Facilities Administration and in the territory and legal counselling depending on the individual life situation of the client. Counselling in the project is provided by The Organization for Aid to Refugees and the Association for Integration and Migration.
Evropská unie

Improving protection of labor rights of vulnerable migrants in the Czech Republic

Time: January 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025
Who:Association for integration and migration
Financed:PICUM, Robert Bosch Stiftung
Where:Czech republic
Perex:The project aims to support migrant workers, especially vulnerable groups such as migrants in irregular positions or holders of temporary protection. Project activities include legal counseling in the area of labor law and related residence issues, assistance from intercultural workers in comunication with authorities and employers, advocacy work, and educational activities. This comprehensive approach seeks to improve wage and working conditions for migrant workers in the Czech labor market, strengthen their access to justice, and facilitate the path to decent employment. Additionally, the project strives to open a public debate and address overlooked issues such as unpaid wages, long working hours, illegal dismissals, and prevention of loss of residency status. Project outputs and experiences will be presented to the public through articles, field studies, and media outputs, and will be supported by public debates and seminars.
Robert Bosch Stiftung PICUM - Platform for International Cooperation of Undocumented Migrants

Support for asylum seekers and refugees in Czechia

Time: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
Where:Prague, Czech Republic
Perex:The project aims to provide a complex support to refugees (esp. asylum-seekers and temporary protection holders). Our team provides legal and social counseling services, intercultural assistance, legal monitoring of the situation at Václav Havel Airport Prague, offers information services and does online outreach work.
UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency

Let´s learn together

Time: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
Who:Association for integration and migration
Perex:The aspiration of the project is to strengthen the inclusion of pupils with a different mother tongue (OMJ) into the classroom, school and society through a sophisticated online tutoring programme for these pupils, involving intercultural workers, volunteers, teachers and parents. The project also works with the rest of the classroom team in an effort to make the assistance offered comprehensive. An especially important part of the project is then to raise public awareness of the issue and to publicize the topic. This will be achieved through interrelated activities, including online tutoring of migrant pupils with volunteers, involvement of migrant parents in the Czech educational process, training of teachers in the field of intercultural education, assistance of intercultural workers and media coverage of the topic. It is also important for the inclusion of migrant pupils, and their parents, to create an environment in which they feel welcome and safe and have someone to turn to for support and help. Therefore, the project will also focus on the promotion of intercultural dialogue through school talks and intercultural picnics.
Magistrát hl.m. Prahy

Migrant women among women

Time: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
Financed:The State Budget of the Czech Republic within the grant from the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic from the program "Support for Public Benefit Activities in the Field of Gender Equality."
Where:The entire Czech Republic
Perex:The project focuses on migrant women and refugees in the Czech Republic, whose position is unequal compared to women and men in the majority society, or even compared to men migrants and refugees. With the impact of the pandemic and the invasion in Ukraine, these inequalities have deepened. The project primarily focuses on assisting refugees from Ukraine, but it addresses also topics such as maternity care, gender-based violence, inequalities in the labor market, and poverty. The aim is to rectify the position of these women and improve gender equality. The objectives of the project are to be achieved through networking, advocacy, educational, training, and advisory activities.
Úřad vlády ČR

Border Management and Protection of Assylum Seekers, GBV Programme

Time: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
Where:Prague, Czech Republic
Perex:The aim of the project is to ensure the rights of international protection applicants, international protection holders, and temporary protection beneficiaries through a diverse range of services and activities. Key points include direct and comprehensive work with target groups, provision of training and information about rights, prevention of gender-based violence (GBV), and the integration of refugees from Ukraine. One of the project's pillars is to provide legal assistance and monitor the situation in transit and facilities at Václav Havel Airport in Prague. In another pillar, the project focuses on access to the labor market and housing for refugees from Ukraine. The final pillar involves support for GBV survivors and raising awareness of this issue among female migrants. An integral part of all project pillars is the identification of vulnerable client groups and monitoring their situations and needs. Project activities include providing expert consultations and intercultural work, creating informational materials, online communication related to target groups and specific topics, preparing webinars, and developing policy recommendations for selected stakeholders.
UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency

Prague 3 - Coexistence Together 2023

Time: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
Who:Prague 3 in cooperation with SIMI
Financed:Prague 3 and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Where:Prague 3
Perex:In the project "Praha 3 - Společné soužití 2023," the Association for Integration and Migration provides services of intercultural workers in Prague 3, creates a multilingual online map of public services, and assists in raising awareness among foreigners.
Ministerstvo vnitra ČR Praha 3

Crossing Borders Among Prague Residents 2023

Time: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
Financed:Prague City Hall
Perex:The aim of the project is to foster positive relations between foreigners and the majority society in the capital city of Prague. As part of the activities, school discussions are organized, where students engage in debates on the topics of migration and refugees with SIMI workers and guest with migration experience. Additionally, cooking courses showcasing specialties from selected countries are organized for the public, led by the foreigners themselves. Lastly, an intercultural picnic serves as another opportunity for Czechs and foreigners to meet and get to know each other. The project also includes the development of the SIMI Food Blog - www.foodblog.migrace.com.
Magistrát hl.m. Prahy

Safety and wellbeing for refugee and migrant women among us

Time: December 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023
Financed:International Rescue Committee
Where:The entire Czech Republic
Perex:Refugee and migrant women in the Czech Republic face multiple disadvantages due to various barriers. This inequality increases the risk of social exclusion, gender-based violence, and discrimination. Specialized services and empowerment opportunities are crucial to meet their needs. Our program provides counseling, intercultural work, and safe spaces for migrant women in Czechia. We emphasize their active participation and amplifying their voices through various channels, like storytelling, blog posts, workshops etc. Through networking, advocacy, awareness-raising, and educational activities, we aim to address the specific challenges faced by this disadvantaged group and promote gender equality.

I give birth peacefully without violence

Time: October 1, 2022 – March 31, 2024
Who:coordination: UNIPA, partners: SIMI, APODAC, League of Human Rights
Financed:Iceland Liechtenstein Norway Grants
Where:The entire Czech Republic
Perex:The project aims to increase awareness and satisfaction of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, and to support the availability and quality of care provided by healthcare facilities and their staff. This project allows SIMI to focus on the topic of women with migration experiences, including mapping the situation of pregnant migrants and refugees, as well as those who have already experienced childbirth in the Czech Republic. Within the project, we also collaborate on language adaptations for the "Rodím v klidu" online and phone helpline, develop the most common topics for migrants before, during, and after childbirth, and provide education on the specific aspects of their care.
Norské fondy

Integration Services for Holders of Special Visa and Temporary Protection 2022

Time: May 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022
Financed:Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic
Perex:The main goal of the project is to provide effective legal, psychological, and personalized emergency support to incoming Ukrainian refugees to help them orient and integrate into the Czech environment. The project also aims to support local Czech institutions that are helping Ukrainians, and to provide educational and methodological support to the organization's team and volunteers. To achieve this, the project will provide a set of five interconnected activities: counseling, assistance, methodological support, education, and information dissemination. These activities will be designed to respond to the current needs of Ukrainian refugees and to help them build a better future in the Czech Republic. In addition to supporting individual persons, the project will also produce informational and methodological outputs such as informational leaflets for refugees, webinar recordings, methodological sheets for institutions, expert consultations, and potential media outputs. The project is designed to be a comprehensive and coordinated effort to help Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic. It is a valuable contribution to the ongoing humanitarian response to the crisis in Ukraine.
Ministerstvo vnitra ČR

SIMI hotel

Time: April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023
Financed:Česká spořitelna, Nadace České spořitelny, Buřinka and Ahrend
Nadace České spořitelny

Time: April 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022
Magistrát hl.m. Prahy

SIMI response to refugee crises from Ukraine

Time: April 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023
Financed:foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI), rapid Grants
Where:The entire Czech Republic
Perex:The purpose of the grant is to support protection and integration activities in Czech Republic for persons who have fled Ukraine.

Refugees welcome

Time: March 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023
Financed:People in Need
Where:The entire Czech Republic
Perex:"Refugees Welcome" is a part of the international network Refugee Welcome International, which was established in Germany in 2014. Currently, the project operates in 10 European countries and Australia. The "Refugees Welcome" project was created with the intention of facilitating decent housing for refugees with private hosts, opposing targeted segregation in mass accommodation facilities. On the contrary, we believe it is crucial to enable refugees to live with local people, thus facilitating and supporting their integration into society. Another aim is to contribute constructively to the broader societal debate with a comprehensive view of the life situations of people seeking refuge. Under the auspices of the Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI), "Refugees Welcome" connects providers and seekers of housing, striving to provide all necessary support to our clients.

Volunteers in SIMI

Time: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022
Who:Association for integration and migration
Financed:Ministry of the Interior
Where:The Czech Republic
Perex:This project is aimed at development of a voluntary work at The Association for Integration and Migration. The voluntary help is essential for our association. The volunteers give an individual tutoring of mugrant pupils, an individual assistance to our clients (foreigners) during the process of integration into the society, help them practise Czech language, help us edit web site, with text summaries and reserches, monitor the human rights situation or help with the educational and cultural events in which SIMI participates during the whole year.
Ministerstvo vnitra ČR

Helping Hand

Time: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022
Financed:Prague 3 District
Where:Prague 3
Perex:The project focuses on legal and social counseling and psychosocial support for foreigners living or working in Prague 3 in contact with institutions and in integration into society on the territory of this city district or in general in the City of Prague. Advice is free, qualified, and available to foreigners, especially at the applicant's headquarters. The main objective of the proposed project activities is through free legal and social assistance and through mediation of rights and dutiesfacilitate seamless integration, to reduce the risk of discrimination and social tensions in the local society in Prague 3, with the emphasis on helping vulnerable people.
Praha 3

Migrant women among women - in the shadow of Covid-19 pandemic

Time: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022
Who:Association for integration and migration
Financed:Office of the Czech Government, programme for gender equality
Where:The Czech Republic
Perex:The project focuses on migrant women and women with migration experience in the Czech Republic, whose position is unequal compared to women and men from the major society and male migrants. In addition, these inequalities have been exacerbated in recent years due to the covid-19, both from a gender perspective and with related changes in the state's migration policy. Thus the project directly responds to the negative impacts of the pandemic related to key areas in the lives of migrant women, whether it concerns issues of residence status (including the right for family reunification), the increased risk of women being exposed to various forms of violence, especially domestic violence, inequality on the labor market, as a result of which these women are at real risk of poverty, i.e. in particular the precariousness of working conditions in sectors where they are abundantly represented, often in the so-called first line (care, healthcare), as well as the deterioration of the possibilities of reconciling family and work life. Through networking, advocacy, educational and consulting activities, this project aims to contribute to straightening out and making visible the specific position of this group of disadvantaged women, especially in the context of the covid-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic and its negative impacts on gender equality in general. During the implementation of the project, special attention will be paid to the areas mentioned above, in which the negative impacts of the pandemic are most pronounced in terms of gender equality, and at the same time they also significantly affect migrant women. These areas are affected by a number of white spots in practice, and the specific situation of migrant women is still not sufficiently reflected in there. At the same time, however, the mentioned areas help the successful integration of these women into Czech society. The guiding elements of this project are the promotion and enforcement of the topic of gender in migration, as well as gender-sensitive migration and integration policies of the Czech Republic, and further facilitating the realization of the rights to equal opportunities of individual women with migration experience.
Úřad vlády ČR

Time: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022
Ministerstvo vnitra ČR

Let's learn together

Time: November 1, 2021 – October 31, 2023
Who:Association for integration and migration
Financed:Project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic. No. CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/20_079/0002107.
Perex:The project aspires to strengthen inclusive practices at two Prague schools. The goal is to allow easier integration of children with a different first language into the class, school, and society in general. The project aims to do so by providing a sophisticated online tutoring programme, using the help of intercultural workers and volunteers. In aiming to provide complex support for these children, the project collaborates also with their classmates and teachers. Among the main outputs of the project, we can find for example a manual that should help the participating schools to establish a framework for working with children with a different first language, or a short publication composed of recommendations about how to work with these children online.
Evropský strukturální a investiční fond, OP Praha - pól růstu ČR

Migrant women among women - in the shadow of Covid-19 pandemic

Time: January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021
Who:Association for integration and migration
Financed:Office of the Czech Government, programme for gender equality
Where:The Czech Republic
Perex:The project focuses on migrant women in the Czech Republic as a specific group of vulnerable people, whose status is unequal compared with both women and men from the majority society as well as male migrants. In addition, these inequalities have been exacerbated in recent months as a result of the measures introduced in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the situation caused an increased civic engagement of this group of women to support other people in their area, where these two efforts remained underappreciated by czech society. It aims of the project to reduce their vulnerability to eliminate the risk of multiple discrimination, develop public debate about their position and in particular to contribute to the activation of the migrants themselves, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic. Project is based on coherent and concurrent networking, awareness, advocacy and counselling activities. We will organize seminars for NGOs on the topic of gender in migration; workshops for migrant women on emotional health and the possibilities of dealing with difficult life situations, including the creation of a database of therapeutic services; and we will prepare debates for the public. Under the project, SIMI staff will also provide individual assistance to migrant women in the form of free legal, social and psychosocial counselling..
Úřad vlády ČR

Crossing borders in Prague

Time: January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021
Who:Association for integration and migration
Financed:Prague City Hall
Where:Prague city
Perex:The objective of the project is to develop positive relations between foreigners and Czechs in Prague. Activities include school debates, where pupils will discuss the topic of migration with SIMI experts a guests - foreigners. In addition, we plan cooking courses of specialties from selected countries, which will be lead by the foreigners themselves. And also intercultural meetings, which will be another opportunity for mutual encounters and familiarization of Czechs and foreigners. Part of the project will also be the development of Foodblog SIMI - w
Magistrát hl.m. Prahy

Time: January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021
Magistrát hl.m. Prahy

Helping Hand

Time: January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021
Financed:Prague 3 District
Where:Prague 3
Perex:The project focuses on legal and social counseling and psychosocial support for foreigners living or working in Prague 3 in contact with institutions and in integration into society on the territory of this city district or in general in the City of Prague. Advice is free, qualified, and available to foreigners, especially at the applicant's headquarters. The main objective of the proposed project activities is through free legal and social assistance and through mediation of rights and dutiesfacilitate seamless integration, to reduce the risk of discrimination and social tensions in the local society in Prague 3, with the emphasis on helping vulnerable people.
Praha 3

Invisible power rises

Time: December 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021
Who:The Invisible power rises is a project that has been implemented by the Czech Women's Lobby since 1st of November 2020 in cooperation with partner organizations SIMI - Association for Integration and Migration and Slovo 21/Manushe.
Financed:British Embassy Prague
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:Disadvantaged groups of women in the Czech Republic, such as migrant women or Roma women, are subject to multiple discrimination based on gender, social group membership, ethnicity or legal status. These groups of women have the most vulnerable position in society. Therefore, our project and its activities will lead to raising awareness of discrimination of these two groups of women on the basis of gender and ethnic origin and to the elimination of prejudices, as well as to the strengthening of their acceptance and equality in Czech society. In addition to drawing on our own experience, we will learn from the best practices of British civil society organizations, which also work with disadvantaged groups of women. We will then summarize our findings in the 2020 Shadow Report to the CEDAW Convention, which we are currently drafting.
British Embassy Prague

Successful Migrant Integration in Regions

Time: September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2023
Who:Association for Migration and Integration
Financed:Erasmus+ programme
Where:Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Belgium and the Czech Republic
Perex:Successful Migrant Integration in Regions (abbreviated as SMIR; Úspěšná integrace migrantů v regionech in Czech) is the name of a new project focused on innovation support and development which the Association for Migration and Integration (SIMI) began to implement in September 2020. There are also three partners from abroad involved in the three-year project within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships. These are: the Slovak organisation Liga za ľudské práva (Human Rights League), the Belgian City of Mechelen and AGABY - the working committee of migration and integration advisory councils in Bavaria, Germany. The project deals with providing support to local authorities and other integration stakeholders who often lack the necessary tools or know-how to work with migrants but, at the same time, realize the importance of integration as well as the emphasis they must place on setting up the right and functional integration measures and mechanisms. Therefore, the project will focus on (a) creating innovative tools to facilitate integration at the regional and local level and (b) transfer of innovations between the EU member states and their adaptation to the local needs. The project key activities are based on shared European experience of the project partners from Slovakia, Germany, Belgium and the Czech Republic with what has worked in working with migrants, how to activate local authorities in the field of integration and how to achieve functioning and smooth coexistence in diverse local societies. During the project, a methodology of integration workshops for local authorities will be created and piloted, a comparative study on the structural dimension of local integration will be made and the existing manual for local authorities will be extended.

Building fair migration policy

Time: March 1, 2020 – February 28, 2023
Who:Association for Integration and Migration
Financed:Supported by the Open Society Fund Prague from the Active Citizens Fund (is operated by the Open Society Fund Prague, Committee of Good Will - the Olga Havel Foundation and Scout Institute). The Active Citizens Fund is financed from EEA and Norway Grants
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:We strive to reach the change in the area of migration, asylum, and integration policy and legislation in the Czech Republic through the combination of advocacy, analytical and informative activities. We will strengthen, with the support data analyses and strategic litigation, the protection of rights of migrants, prevent decreasing of human rights standards in the area of migration and strengthen cooperation with stakeholders, which are not present in the debate. Through these changes and partnerships the pro integration climate in the Czech society will be created. We created a website www.ferovamigracnipolitika.cz for sharing project outputs. Programme Active Citizens Fund: https://www.activecitizensfund.cz/en/
Usilujeme o férovou migrační politiku Active Citizens Fund

Crossing borders II

Time: February 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Financed:Varietas Foundation
Where:Prague and Central Bohemia
Perex:The aim of our project is to develop positive relationships between foreigners and czech majority in the Czech Republic. In particular, it is to promote non-conflictual coexistence in Prague and the Central Bohemian region, to prevent the emergence of negative social phenomena and, on the contrary, to improve the status of foreigners, to promote the openness of the society towards these persons, mutual communication, provide information on migration issues and suuport active involvement of foreigners in civil society. During the project, we plan to organize 8 events consisting of a discussion on migration and refugees with the participation of a guest migrant and follow-up workshops at elementary and secondary schools in Prague and Central Bohemia. In the project will be realized online tutoring with volunteers for non-native speakers of czech language pupils in distance schooling.
Nadace Varietas

Let´s talk together III

Time: February 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Financed:Prague City Hall
Perex:The project monitors the strengthening of inclusion in the school environment in the City of Prague, through the established program of multicultural education and intercultural education of teachers and pupils. The aim is to raise the awareness of pupils of primary and secondary schools and teachers about migration and to involve them in the process of integration at local level, with direct contact with foreigners. As part of the project, we plan to hold discussions at schools with foreigners and creative workshops, as well as an educational workshop for teachers and school staff with a focus on enhancing the intercultural competence of teachers, the basics of migration issues, working with prejudice and preventing hate violence.
Magistrát hl.m. Prahy

Helping Hand

Time: January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Financed:Prague 3 District
Where:Prague 3
Perex:The project focuses on legal and social counseling and psychosocial support for foreigners living or working in Prague 3 in contact with institutions and in integration into society on the territory of this city district or in general in the City of Prague. Advice is free, qualified, and available to foreigners, especially at the applicant's headquarters. The main objective of the proposed project activities is through free legal and social assistance and through mediation of rights and dutiesfacilitate seamless integration, to reduce the risk of discrimination and social tensions in the local society in Prague 3, with the emphasis on helping vulnerable people.
Praha 3

Crossing borders in Prague

Time: January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Financed:Prague City Hall
Perex:The aim of the project is to develop positive relations between foreigners and majority society in the City of Prague. As part of the project, we plan to organize intercultural meetings, which are a space for regular informal meetings between Czechs and migrants. Furthermore, courses of cooking classes of local specialities, which will lead the foreigners themselves. And also support for tandem of migrants and volunteers who will help with their tutoring in order to help their orientation in the Czech environment. The project will also include the development of Foodblog SIMI - www.foodblog.migrace.com, www.interkulturnísetkani.cz.
Magistrát hl.m. Prahy

Migrant women among women

Time: January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Financed:Office of the Czech Government, programme for gender equality
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:The project focuses on migrant women in the Czech Republic as a specific group of vulnerable people, whose status is unequal compared with both women and men from the majority society as well as male migrants. It aims to reduce their vulnerability to eliminate the risk of multiple discrimination, develop public debate about their position and in particular to contribute to the activation of the migrants themselves. Project is based on coherent and concurrent networking, awareness, advocacy and counselling activities. We will organize seminars for NGOs on the topic of gender in migration; workshops for migrant women on emotional health and the possibilities of dealing with difficult life situations, including the creation of a database of therapeutic services; and we will prepare debates for the public. Under the project, SIMI staff will also provide individual assistance to migrant women in the form of free legal, social and psychosocial counselling.
Úřad vlády ČR

Invisible power

Time: October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020
Who:The Invisible power is a project that has been implemented by the Czech Women's Lobby since 1st of October 2019 in cooperation with partner organizations SIMI - Association for Integration and Migration and Slovo 21/Manushe.
Financed:EVZ - Stiftung "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft"
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:Migrant and Roma women in the Czech Republic, as well as elsewhere in Europe, face barriers to equality both economically and socially, and live in a position particularly vulnerable to violence and discrimination. These groups in Czechia are subject to multiple discrimination - gender, belonging to a social group, ethnicity or legal status. Moreover the available statistics and supporting NGOs demonstrate a recent trend of feminisation of migration, ageing and poverty. Migrant and Roma women are often of a higher risk of social exclusion, live in worse material conditions and have a lower quality of life compare to majority of women in Czech society. These groups of women have the most vulnerable position within society and very often their situation is of no concern to the the state authorities in order to help reduce the inequalities and to provide an enlightenment of the majority society and relevant stakeholders. That is the reason why we want to implement our project, that stands on two pillars - one consist of raising public awareness about the situation of Roma and migrant women and the other of developing cooperation among relevant civil society organisations. We also aim on strengthening solidarity between women within disadvantaged groups of women. Our project entails creation of a coalition of women's rights organisations with a focus on marginalised groups of women living in the Czech Republic - Roma and migrant women. Through a set of networking, advocacy, capacity building and raising awareness activities, the project aims to combat antigypsyism, xenophobia and racism in their various forms, to eliminate prejudice towards concerned groups of women and to strengthen tolerance within the Czech society. Náš projekt cílí na vytvoření koalice organizací pro práva žen se zaměřením na marginalizované skupiny žen žijících v České republice - Romky a migrantky. Cílem projektu je prostřednictvím networkingu, advokační činnosti, budování kapacit a zvyšování veřeného povědomí bojovat proti antigypsymu, xenofobii a rasismu v různých podobách, odstranit předsudky vůči dotčeným skupinám žen a obecně posílit toleranci v české společnosti.
EVZ - Stiftung "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft"

Integrating Prague

Time: September 1, 2019 – February 28, 2022
Financed:the European Union from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Employment
Perex:The Integrating Prague project acts as a useful link between activities aimed at removing obstacles for migrant social inclusion (i.e. courses and practical tools for officials, intercultural services, analysis of social services availability and resulting recommendations) and, at the same time, equips migrants with knowledge and orientation (focused legal counselling, field social work and seminars aimed at promoting independence and social orientation). The project builds on the SIMI practices that proved to have a relevant impact on the target groups. Project No. CZ.03.2.X/0.0/0.0/18_095/0011297

Crossing Borders

Time: February 1, 2019 – October 31, 2019
Financed:Nadace Varietas
Where:Prague and Central Bohemia
Perex:The aim of our project is to develop positive relationships between foreigners and czech majority in the Czech Republic. In particular, it is to promote non-conflictual coexistence in Prague and the Central Bohemian region, to prevent the emergence of negative social phenomena and, on the contrary, to improve the status of foreigners, to promote the openness of the society towards these persons, mutual communication, provide information on migration issues and suuport active involvement of foreigners in civil society. During the project, we plan to organize 8 events consisting of a discussion on migration and refugees with the participation of a guest migrant and follow-up workshops at elementary and secondary schools in Prague and Central Bohemia.
Nadace Varietas

Let´s talk together II

Time: January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
Financed:Prague City Hall
Perex:The project monitors the strengthening of inclusion in the school environment in the City of Prague, through the established program of multicultural education and intercultural education of teachers and pupils. The aim is to raise the awareness of pupils of primary and secondary schools and teachers about migration and to involve them in the process of integration at local level, with direct contact with foreigners. As part of the project, we plan to hold discussions at schools with foreigners and creative workshops, as well as an educational workshop for teachers and school staff with a focus on enhancing the intercultural competence of teachers, the basics of migration issues, working with prejudice and preventing hate violence.

Crossing borders in Prague

Time: January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
Financed:Prague City Hall
Perex:The aim of the project is to develop positive relations between foreigners and majority society in the City of Prague. As part of the project, we plan to organize intercultural meetings, which are a space for regular informal meetings between Czechs and migrants. Furthermore, courses of cooking classes of local specialities, which will lead the foreigners themselves. And also support for tandem of migrants and volunteers who will help with their tutoring in order to help their orientation in the Czech environment. The project will also include the development of Foodblog SIMI - www.foodblog.migrace.com, www.interkulturnísetkani.cz.

Women in migration

Time: January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
Financed:Office of the Czech Government, programme for gender equality
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:The project focuses on migrant women in the Czech Republic as a specific group of vulnerable people, whose status is unequal compared with both women and men from the majority society as well as male migrants. It aims to reduce their vulnerability to eliminate the risk of multiple discrimination, develop public debate about their position and in particular to contribute to the activation of the migrants themselves. Project is based on coherent and concurrent networking, awareness, advocacy and counselling activities. We will organize seminars for NGOs on the topic of gender in migration; workshops for migrant women on emotional health and the possibilities of dealing with difficult life situations, including the creation of a database of therapeutic services; and we will prepare debates for the public. Under the project, SIMI staff will also provide individual assistance to migrant women in the form of free legal, social and psychosocial counselling.
Úřad vlády ČR

Helping Hand

Time: January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
Financed:Prague 3 District
Where:Prague 3
Perex:The project focuses on legal and social counseling and psychosocial support for foreigners living or working in Prague 3 in contact with institutions and in integration into society on the territory of this city district or in general in the City of Prague. Advice is free, qualified, and available to foreigners, especially at the applicant's headquarters. The main objective of the proposed project activities is through free legal and social assistance and through mediation of rights and dutiesfacilitate seamless integration, to reduce the risk of discrimination and social tensions in the local society in Prague 3, with the emphasis on helping vulnerable people.
Praha 3

Cities and inclusive strategies

Time: September 1, 2018 – December 31, 2020
Who:Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI), Centre for Social and Economic Strategies (CESES FSV UK), Multicultural Centre Prague, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Capital City of Prague, Liberec Region, South Moravian Region
Financed:European Social Fund, Operational Programme Employment
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:The MIS project responds to the state administration’s demand for the evaluation of projects and tools aimed at supporting the integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic, mapping the groups of foreigners whose needs are neglected and, based on national and international good practice examples, proposing innovative solutions in order to increase the integration process efficiency at local level. The Project objectives include: integrating people with migration experience, including local authorities as key players, mapping and evaluating the integration scene in the Czech Republic with a focus on partner regions, expanding information and recommendations for local authorities, assisting with setting up local integration policies and strategies, creating database of integration projects in the Czech Republic, ceveloping manual for local authorities on local integration topics, transferring good practice and experience from abroad, building knowledge platforms at local, regional and national levels, creating initiatives, analyses and expert articles, holding roundtable discussions, expert meetings, seminars and conferences.

Crossing borders in Prague

Time: January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018
Financed:Prague City Council
Perex:The objective of the project is to develop positive relations between foreigners and Czechs in Prague. Activities include school debates, where pupils will discuss the topic of migration with SIMI experts a guests - foreigners. In addition, we plan cooking courses of specialties from selected countries, which will be lead by the foreigners themselves. And also intercultural meetings, which will be another opportunity for mutual encounters and familiarization of Czechs and foreigners. Part of the project will also be the development of Foodblog SIMI - www.foodblog.migrace.com, www.interkulturnísetkani.cz.
Magistrát hl.m. Prahy

Let´s talk together (about migration)

Time: January 1, 2018 – July 31, 2019
Financed:Project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic
Perex:The project monitors the strengthening of inclusion in the school environment in the City of Prague. Prague, through an established program of multicultural education, intercultural education of educators and pupils and other creative activities motivated by upbringing towards tolerance. The aim is to raise the awareness of pupils of elementary schools, secondary schools and teachers about migration and to involve them in the process of local integration, in direct contact with foreigners. As part of the project, we will organize training for teachers on migration and intercultural work to integrate a pupils with a different mother tongue, and we will hold talks at schools with foreign guests and creative workshops.
Evropský strukturální a investiční fond, OP Praha - pól růstu ČR

Migrant women among women 2018 - Emotions and health

Time: January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018
Financed:Office of the Czech Government, programme for gender equality
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:The project focuses on migrant women in the Czech Republic as a specific group of vulnerable people, whose status is unequal compared with both women and men from the majority society as well as male migrants. It aims to reduce their vulnerability to eliminate the risk of multiple discrimination, develop public debate about their position and in particular to contribute to the activation of the migrants themselves. Project is based on coherent and concurrent networking, awareness, advocacy and counselling activities. We will organize seminars for NGOs on the topic of gender in migration; workshops for migrant women on emotional health and the possibilities of dealing with difficult life situations, including the creation of a database of therapeutic services; and we will prepare debates for the public. Under the project, SIMI staff will also provide individual assistance to migrant women in the form of free legal, social and psychosocial counselling.
Úřad vlády ČR

Helping Hand

Time: January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018
Financed:Prague 3 District
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:The project focuses on legal and social counseling and psychosocial support for foreigners living or working in Prague 3 in contact with institutions and in integration into society on the territory of this city district or in general in the City of Prague. Advice is free, qualified, and available to foreigners, especially at the applicant's headquarters. The main objective of the proposed project activities is through free legal and social assistance and through mediation of rights and dutiesfacilitate seamless integration, to reduce the risk of discrimination and social tensions in the local society in Prague 3, with the emphasis on helping vulnerable people.
Praha 3

Volunteers in SIMI

Time: January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017
Who:Association for Integration and Migration
Financed:Ministry of the Interior
Perex:This project is aimed at development of a voluntary work at The Association for Integration and Migration. The voluntary help is essential for our association. The volunteers give an individual assistance to our clients (foreigners) during the process of integration into the society, help them practise Czech language, help us edit web site, with text summaries and reserches, monitor the human rights situation or help with the educational and cultural events in which SIMI participates during the whole year.
Ministerstvo vnitra ČR

Crossing borders

Time: November 1, 2016 – June 30, 2018
Financed:Crossing Borders project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic
Perex:The project follows two lines - educational and assistance. It aims to raise awareness of primary and secondary school pupils and teachers on migration and involves them in the integration process at the local level, in direct contact with foreigners. It also aims at easing the inclusion of children with a different mother tongue, with the help of the Association of intercultural workers, and equips teachers with the knowledge how to work with these students. Combining educational and assistance activities and in collaboration with primary school Kladská and Gymnasium Evolution the project influences the new generation and contributes to social cohesion. The project will include training for teachers and a series of workshops for students and the possibility to use the assistance of intercultural workers by teachers, students and their parents.
Evropský strukturální a investiční fond, OP Praha - pól růstu ČR

Through integration against hatred!

Time: August 1, 2016 – January 31, 2018
Where:Czech Republic
Perex:The project seeks to strengthen and promote legal awareness of foreigners and to facilitate their orientation in the Czech environment. The key activities such as legal and social counseling, supplemented by psycho-social support to the families of migrants from Prague and Central Bohemia Region in contact with institutions and integrating into society. Our advice and assistance focuses on areas that are key to successful integration into the labor market, then the solutions to residential issues and issues related to the procedure of international protection. Psychosocial counseling will focus on support for coping with the traumas they experienced, and problems related to migration and integration into society. If necessary clients will be in their communication secured by services of intercultural workers.

Integration Centre Prague VI

Time: July 1, 2016 – June 1, 2019
Who:Integration Centre Prague, Association for Integration and Migration, Counselling Centre for Integration, Inbáze, Organization for Aid to Refugees
Financed:Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund ( AMIF )
Perex:The target group are foreigners from the Third World countries (CPM) with a special focus on vulnerable groups, newcomers and the majority society. The target group are not foreigners, which have not yet been granted international / subsidiary protection. The project directly builds on the already completed projects ICP I-V. Foreigners from Third World countries, are offered: - legal and social counseling - Czech language courses, courses of socio-cultural orientation - organizing integration activities (intercultural dialogue, active involvement of target groups) - free use of Information Centre (internet, library, open spaces) Furthermore, the project offers: Information Center; Information campaign; Field work; Czech language courses; SKO courses; Legal advice; Social counseling; Monitoring CS; Platform; Integration activities; Workshops for kindergarten; intercultural work.


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