Those who apply for or receive social services provided by the Association for Integration and Migration (AIM) have the right to lodge suggestions, critical comments or complaints against the quality of the services declared by the organization as its public commitment.
When a client puts forward a suggestion, comment or a complaint, it will not influence, in any way, the quality of services or the personnel´s professional attitude towards them. The complainants have the right to choose their spokesperson that will represent them in the process of resolving the complaint.
Clients are informed about the possibility to lodge a complaint when signing the contract for provision of social or legal services. Besides, the information about the complaint procedure is visibly displayed at the entrance to the office. This information is provided in different langure versions (Czech, English, Russian). If the service applicants or users do not understand any of those languages, the organization will, in the nearest posible time, ensure translation or interpretation into a language understood by the clients.
The AIM contact person for complaints is Magda Faltová, the organization director Contact details: e-mail:, phone no. (+420) 224 224 379, you can use mailbox within the SIMI offices or send letter to Magda Faltová, Sdružení pro integraci a migraci, Havlíčkovo náměstí 2, Praha 3 130 00