Intercultural Couples Club, 4th June
Come and join next session of our Intercultural Couples Club on Wednesday 4th June at 7 p.m. at Diabasis, Boršov 280/2, Praha 1 (above "Lehká hlava" restaurant, near Charles bridge).
Come to meet new people, to share your daily life experience and to discuss interesting topics.
Find more details at and on Facebook
We look forward to meeting you!
Round table discussion of the integration of foreigners on the local level - advices for local authorities
On 1st of April, the first round table organised within the project INTEGRO and titled “Finding suitable ways of integrating foreigners at the local level" took place at AKC in Prague 1.
Discussions were carried out with representatives of various entities (the city district authorities, ministries, NGOs and migrants). There was talk on how to better contribute the integration of foreigners at the local level and how to encourage foreigners to actively participate in events within their area.
International Couples Club
Are you in an international relationship?
Come to have talk with similar couples!
What to expect:
- Share opinions, feelings and experience of intercultural partners’ life
- Get inspiration for your daily life
- Meet new people and make new connections
- Enjoy informal ambience
- Attend with or without your partner
- Discussion is held in English
SIMI encourages foreigners in active citizenship in their locations
A considerable part of migrants living in the Czech Republic is moving and fulfilling themselves in their working environment and in the family or close friends circle. Their lives are missing an important dimension of active participation in social, cultural, economical and political events. Some of them have difficulties with orientation in public spaces. They are not able to express themselves appropriately and consciously. Others are not motivated or they miss the awareness of principles of the function of civil society. The new project INTEGRO Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI) endeavours to change this situation. Full integration of foreigners does not end at the door of their homes or workplaces.
Changes in citizenship acquisition
On 1 January 2014, new Czech citizenship law entered into force.
We prepared for you a separate section: Citizenship - new regulations, where you can find all important novelties and changes
moreAnalysis on irregular migration, labour market and regularisation 06/06/11
The three major Czech non-governmental organizations dealing with rights of foreigners Association for Integration and Migration, Organization for Aid to Refugees and Multicultural Centre Prague elaborated a comprehensive analysis on irregular migration, labor market and regularisation under the homonymic title to their common 2-year project „Regularisation as one of the tools in the fight against irregular migration“ and with a considerable contribution of foreign partner NGOs in the project SOS Racismo – Mugak from Spain and Solidariedade imigrante from Portugal.
Presentation of the analysis (in Czech only) and a brief summary can be found in the attachment hereto. We will gladly offer the integral analysis to the interested persons upon request at: .
EVALUATIVE NOTE: Conference "Regularisation of irregular migration"
With the participation of experts and a general public, the final conference for the project "Regularization as one of the tools in the fight against irregular migration", took place on 12 April 2011 in Prague.
The conference summarised the 2-year lasting work of three Czech non-governmental organisations dealing with the rights of foreigners (legal counseling, surveys, study of relevant legislation, lobbying for rights of immigrants in the Parliament), namely Association for Integration and Migration, Organisation for Aid to Refugees and Multicultural Centre Prague.
The key topic of the conference coincided with one of the main goals of the project – promotion of regularisation in the Czech Republic.
All presentations screened at the conference and video records of separate panel sessions are available at thed project internet platform:
CONFERENCE "Regularisation of irregular migration"
Association for Integration and Migration
Organisation for Aid to Refugees and
Multicultural Centre Prague
cordially invite you to the conference enclosing the public presentation of the project
Regularisation of Irregular Migration
12 April 2011, 9h - 16hPolish Institute, Karlova 27, Prague 1
· 3 panel discussions on issues related to the irregular migration: labour and labour conditions, access to health and to social services, removal and family rights of irregular migrants
· Participation of foreign partner in the project Solidariedade Imigrante (PT) and SOS Racismo – Mugak (ES)
· Presentations of representatives of Czech state authorities and non-governmental organisations
· Results of the survey executed among irregular migrants in the CR
· Videos with stories of irregular migrants in the EU
· Press conference
Working languages: Czech, Portuguese and Spanish with simultaneous interpretation
We are looking forward meeting you!
December 10th: Human Rights Day
Nine EU countries do not guarantee access to health care for undocumented pregnant women and children
MEPs join NGOs in urging Member States to tackle health inequalities in access to health care for undocumented children and women
Read more
Study on Migration and the Economic Crisis: Implications for Policy in the European Union - by IOM
We have contributed to the study on impacts of the economic crisis on the migration field in the EU, the elaboration and compilation of which was initiated by the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) in Brussels. In the framework of the country case study, we have analysed the latest trend in the field of irregular migration and the the measures the state institutions had taken in order to suspend the negative impacts of the economic crisis on migrants residing in the Czech Republic.
The report (only EN version) is available at:
Read further by clicking on the title