We invite you to evening about Kurdistan
Come to learn more about the largest nation without its own state. Discover its history, culture, current situation and curiosities. During the evening you can also taste traditional specialties of Kurdistan and try to prepare them. The evening will be hosted by Mr. Karim Hussein, a Syrian Kurd living in the Czech Republic.
- When: November 12, 2014 at 7 pm
- Where: ZŠ Kladská, Kladská 1201/1, Praha 2-Vinohrady
Free entry
Panel discussion at an international symposium: Impacts of the Covid pandemic on migrant women
SIMI cordially invites you to a panel discussion with NGOs on the Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on migrant women.
- Date: Thursday, December 2, 2021 from 2:30 p.m.
- Venue: Academic Conference Center, Husova 4a, Prague 1
- Guest organizations: Matertera, Czech Women's Lobby, Anonymous Migrants, Dr. Chekhov
The event will be held in English.
Invitation to download or on the Facebook
The event will take place in a hybrid format, which will also allow online participation.
Follow-up to the Integration Forum Prague
On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, an event of the SIMI organization for the expert public called the Prague Integration Forum took place in the House of National Minorities in Prague (programme here).
It was the first international meeting of experts in the field of integration of migrants at the local level, organized by SIMI and partners in the project Successful Integration of Migrants in Regions financed by the Erasmus+ programme.
In a panel discussion, foreign guests presented examples from their practice in Belgium, Germany and Slovakia. In the following group discussions, they shared their experiences regarding current needs, challenges and opportunities in mutual exchange with participants from the Czech Republic.
INVITATION: Integration Forum Prague with international guests
Association for Integration and Migration
cordially invites you to the
with international partners engaged in the project Successful Integration of Migrants in Regions
DATE: 21 September 2021, 14:30 - 18:00
PLACE: House of National Minorities, Vocelova 3, Prague 2
The event will consist of:
- panel debate with integration experts from Germany, Belgium and Slovakia
- discussion groups to share Czech experience and networking.
Detailed programme here below.
Intercultural meeting: islam
We would like to invite you for another of our intercultural meetings. This time its focus is going to be Islam. Together we are going to learn what do those who follow Islam believe in. We are going to do so from a point of view of a person raised without being a believer and therefore in a matter that is comprehensible even for an ateist. We have also invited Mr Ahsan who we share his story.
- When: on Monday, 26th October from 6 PM
- Where: online on Skype
If you are interested in attending please send an email to to register.
We will send link by email to registered participants.
The meeting is going to be in English and it is going to be moderated by Marek Procházka.
We are looking forward to meeting you.
Picnic on Kotlaska
On Wednesday, August 12, 2020, our organization SIMI, together with ČŽL, the Women's Roma Group “Manushe” and similar group Slovo 21, organized a picnic in the community center of Kotlaska. Around thirty women of various origins, religions and ages gathered in this event. However, we all had the same goal - to get to know each other and enjoy the evening together. Throughout the picnic we were accompanied by beautiful weather, great food, and fun activities. Nevertheless, the whole event had a deeper goal than just this.
Important information
ATTENTION! Important notice concerning residence: The transition period after the COVID-19 measures terminates on July 17, 2020. After that date, all residence procedures will be dealt with according to the Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals. Most importantly, it will no longer be possible to submit your residence application via post, if your presence in person is required.
Also pay attention to the up-to-date instructions for visiting the Ministry of the Interior offices after July 1, 2020. For more information refer to:
We Have Organized an Online Debate with Migrants and Roma Women
The Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI), the Czech Women's Lobby (ČŽL) and the Roma Women's Group Manushe (Word 21) have joined forces to point out women who are not visible or heard in society. These institutions organized a joint debate, which allowed such women to talk about their problems in an emergency in the Czech Republic and to point out some of the problems that minority women in the Czech Republic face.
Each of them came up with a different story, each went through different challenges, regarding health, work, family or personal issues. However, they all combined a determination to overcome the pandemic crisis with a positive attitude and, if possible, they helped other people around them.
Information Brochures for Migrants for a Child Delivery
In cooperation with the Czech Women's Lobby, we have prepared information leaflets on the topic of pregnancy, childbirth and childcare for migrant women living in the Czech Republic. In these leaflets you will find answers to questions:
- What to do?
- Whom to ask?
- What is a birth plan?
- What are my rights?
Information for migrants: COVID-19 and education
On 10 March 2020, the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic announced extraordinary measures concerning kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and universities in connection with the spread of COVID-19.
The document containing information:
- Extraordinary measures in connection with the spread of COVID-19
- Information on the school year schedule
- Distance education of students-migrants
Do you need help with your situation? Please call or e-mail our social counselor:
- Phone: +420 605 253 994
- E-mail:
Do you need help with preparation to school? Contact us at, we can secure you with a volunteer to help you prepare. More information you can find here.