How to protect your mental health in the time of coronavirus?
Our psychosocial counselor Frantisek Cihlar advises how to protect your mental health and to avoid negative thoughts during the quarantine
Read our 5 tips for coping with the situation and keeping your inner peace.
Information for migrants on measures related to prevention of COVID-19 and residency
On 12 March 2020, a state of emergency was declared for a period of 30 days, during which many restrictions on everyday life in the Czech Republic may occur. It is therefore imperative to pay attention to the latest information. This is often not available in other language than Czech, so when in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us or our colleagues from other organizations.
- Phone: +420 224 224 379
- Mobil: +420 605 263 035, +420 603 547 450
- E-mail:
Below you can find a brief overview of the measures in force as of 26 March 2020 (17:00/5:00 PM) concerning migration and residency matters.
Important information in context with coronavirus epidemic
Pay special attention to updated important information in context with coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic and employment related issues in various language versions available at our website SIMI. Important informations are available at Czech, English and Russian.
The document contains informations about:
- Carer´s allowance
- Exceptional immediate financial help
- Wage compensation
- And other work related issues.
Current information will be available at and our Facebook.
Do you know storytelling?
At the end of January, we organized a seminar for migrants, "Learn to tell your story", which focused on storytelling techniques. The seminar was led by experienced lecturer Tajana Gašparovič. Storytelling now makes quarantine more pleasant for our participants, because the can spend some time with telling their storieas.
In addition, online storytelling is regularly organized on the StorytellingCZ Facebook page.
- Gallery from event you can find here zde >>
- Radio report is available here >>
- More information about storytelling is here >>
We offer advice in difficult life situation for migrant women living in Czech Republic
SIMI has been for a long time focusing on the specific needs of migrant women and seeking with them the path to a happy life in the Czech Republic without multiple discrimination.
Regardless of your immigration status, we offer direct legal, social and psychosocial assistance.
Be storyteller! Come to our workshop!
Each of us is carring a numerous number of stories through the life. They just need to be evoked, brushed up and opened up. If you have a need to tell your own story or to tell some other story which resonates with you – come and join us. We will learn how to compose the story and how to present the story to the audience.
- When: tuesday 28 January 2020, 4-8pm
- Where: Skautský institut, Old Town Square 4, Prague 1
The working language is Czech.
Talks on migration and refugees with a foreign guest to your school
We offer free talks on migration and refugees with a foreign guest to schools in Prague and Central Bohemia Region.
Do you want to invite a foreign guest who would share his/her story and experience from his/her journey to the Czech Republic and life here? Contact us and we will be happy to prepare this discussion at your school. All primary and secondary schools in Prague and the Central Bohemia Region can participate.
PF 2020
Let's take small good steps for a great leap year 2020!
Support SIMI when shopping for Christmas
Christmas is upon us. Just in case you still don’t have your gifts ready, we have a great two-in-one offer: buy your gifts online and do a good deed. When shopping, you can donate to our Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI) without paying anything extra! How does it work? Go to and, before shopping, choose our association from the list of whom you wish to donate a part of the purchase price.
5.12: International Volunteer Day
We would like to say thank you to all our great volunteers who helps us in our activities to support foreigners in the Czech Republic. Thank you and it will be our pleasure to work with you in the following years.