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- Sdružení pro integraci a migraci


Applicants for international protection cannot engage in entrepreneurial activities in the Czech Republic, but they are eligible to start working six months after applying for international protection.

To work, you will need a work permit. However, under Section 97(e) of Act No. 435/2004 Coll., it does not need to be linked to a registered job opening. For foreigners, the Labour Office issues a work permit for a specific job. The permit should include details such as the place of work, the type of work, the employer’s name and registered office (place of residence), and the validity period. The permit is issued based on a promise from the employer.

For more information on employment relations, visit: https://www.mpsv.cz/web/cz/prace-a-zamestnani

Would you like to learn more about your rights and obligations in employment relations under current legislation? Or do you need guidance on preparing your CV, cover letter, or performing well in a job interview?

In the Useful information for foreigners – Download section, you can access presentations from our seminars.

Useful information for foreigners


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